The CSR Guide has been published annually since 2010 as a comprehensively researched showcase of Austrian companies' sustainability and CSR performance and has been constantly evolving since its inception. Reason enough for the CSR Guide to be used intensively by the growing community of CSR and sustainability experts in companies, but also by consultants, public administration and academia.
Reporting requirements, climate change and the energy transition, the polarization of the world and artificial intelligence: especially in times of upheaval like now, the CSR Guide is more than ever indispensable for orientation and reference. ESG has a firm grip on large companies, which are being put under pressure by the financial markets to publicly demonstrate their responsibility - no more talk of a "nice-to-have". Climate change has become noticeable, the phase-out of fossil fuels is unstoppable and the war in Ukraine will last even longer. The explosion in energy costs in 2022 and 2023 has forever changed the understanding of energy supply and dependence. The tensions between the major powers, the disruption of global supply chains - none of this will ever be the same again. And with artificial intelligence, too, it can be easily predicted at the beginning of 2024 that it will challenge many of today's business models, and very quickly. The CSR Guide 2024 also responds to these new realities.
Aside from the obligations, a lot of new and good things are happening in innovative projects. Fortunately, it is not true that companies are no longer innovative because of all the obligations. The 244-page CSR Guide 2024 is proof of this.
All information is also available online at
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Price: € 27.50