On the occasion of the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" - for the fourth time in a row - UniCredit Bank Austria set a visible sign for overcoming violence against women. The UniCredit Bank Austria Women's Network - Women's Forum, founded in 1997, is the driving force behind "Orange the World" within the bank. Two selected branches shone in orange from November 25th to the "International Human Rights Day" on December 10th: the "Am Spitz" branch in Vienna-Floridsdorf and the "Herrengasse" branch in the Styrian capital Graz. In numerous other branches, the LED strips in the entrance area also shone orange, and the information screens in all branches were also used. 

Image: Branch “Am Spitz”, Vienna Floridsdorf

"Violence against women is a human rights issue of global importance. In Austria, one in three women is affected by physical or sexual violence. Our bank is committed to combating all forms of violence, to equal opportunities and zero tolerance for discrimination based on gender, as our support for the 'Orange the World' campaign makes clear," says Ivan Vlaho, CEO of UniCredit Bank Austria.

Focus areas: safe and inclusive workplace, gender equality and diversity

UniCredit has implemented specific workplace policies against harassment, sexual misconduct and bullying across the Group to prevent, detect and sanction such unacceptable behavior. Another policy protects employees and third parties who report misconduct from possible reprisals.

Svetlana Pančenko, Member of the Board of Management of UniCredit Bank Austria for People & Culture: "Violence against women affects us all. We fully support the 'Orange the World' campaign and are committed to a safe and inclusive workplace where harassment or misconduct is not tolerated and all voices are heard and protected."

About "Orange the World"

Making the fight against violence against women and girls visible – that is the goal of the UN campaign “Orange the World”, in which symbolic buildings around the world shine in orange light for 16 days.