06. - 08. Sep 2018
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In ökonomisch und ökologisch herausfordernden Zeiten, erwartet Sie bei der EBEN 2018 wieder ein wirtschaftlich und wissenschaftlich zukunftsweisender Kongress mit internationalen TOP- Referenten und Wissenschaftern wie zB. Michael Assländer, Geert Demuuijnk, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Harald Stelzer, Markus Scholz, Yves Fassin, Pedro Francés Gomez, Julia Roloff, Konstanze Senge, Dorothee Baumann, Pauly Bettina Hollstein, Sarah Hudson usw. Die European Business Ethics Research Conference findet 2018 - nach dem ausserordentlichen Erfolg im letzten Jahr - bereits zum zweiten Mal in Wien statt. Das Thema heuer lautet "Corruption and Beyond - Fraudulent Behavior in and of Corporations"
Beyond Corruption – Fraudulent Behavior in and of Corporations
Recent business scandals like the corruption allegations at Airbus, the Volkswagen emission scandal, or the Wells Fargo account fraud scandal cast serious doubts on the effectiveness of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts of business enterprises. While CSR programs have become an established part of business practice over the last years, and most large companies have introduced ethics guidelines, codes of conduct, compliance trainings and other instruments which should safeguard the ethical behavior of their managers and employees, these measures obviously do not prevent managers from wrongdoing. It seems that corruption, deception of clients and customers, misleading statements vis-à-vis investors and shareholders or embezzlement of corporate assets remain a universally prevalent phenomenon in business, even if the practices and degree of fraudulent behavior may vary in relation to cultural settings or in different sectors.
Theories on Corruption and Fraudulent Business Practices
Empirical Findings on Corporate Misbehavior
Case Studies on Corporate Scandals
Compliance and Corporate Misbehavior
EBEN Austria
in cooperation with
Vienna Center for Corporate
Governance & Business
Ethics / University of Applied
Science Vienna
The Topic
Corruption and Beyond – Fraudulent Behavior in and of Corporations
Thursday, 06.09.2018
13:00 Welcome & Registration
14:00 Conference Opening
14:30 Keynote by Richard Nielsen (Boston College)
16:00 Concurrent sessions
19:00 Visit of Vienna Heuriger
Friday, 07.09.2018
09:00 Concurrent sessions
19:30 Conference Dinner at Palais Eschenbach
Saturday 08.09.2018
09:00 Concurrent sessions
11:00 Keynote tba
12:00 Farewell
The Venue
Conference Venue
Palais Eschenbach
Eschenbachgasse 9/11
1010 Vienna